Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fwd: The Shepherd Story

From: <>
Date: Sep 3, 2010 11:24 PM
Subject: The Shepherd Story
To: Peter C Shepherd <>

Sept 3, 2010.
Dear Peter,
How are you doing now since your surgery?
This morning I was going through your book, a copy of which was given me by Ian recently. I'd read most of it when you first sent it but now I have a copy as well.
What happened to Jonah's descendants?
In the 1960's we had a James Shepherd in school (La Martiniere, Lucknow) with us whom I felt was related to us but the matter was not discussed then. James had two sisters in the girls Martiniere, namely, Patricia and Lorraine, the children of James Shepherd who was the New Delhi correspondent of Time magazine. In 1970(?) my brother Keith was invited over to their place when he visited Delhi where the 'family' was discussed and it turned out that we were related. Presently, James is in the UK. He'd been in touch with old friends over the net but seems to have dropped out and answers no mail. In 1998 I'd spoken to Lorraine over the phone a few times when I spent a few months in Delhi. She lives in Gurgaon, Haryana.
I'm trying to get in touch with her as she sent me a message on facebook. Her brother, probably, has more information on their family background. So that's the next step.
Alfred I think remained unmarried. He shot himself around the time their family was moving out of the country. He is said to have asked my grandmother, Mabel, to visit him. I don't know where all this happened which leaves a lot of gaps in the story.
My dad had told me several times about your dad coming to Lawrence Terrace along with Edward and Clive.
 Bye for now,