Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Tuesday Dec 14, 2010.
The memorial to Sir Henry Lawrence and the brave men who fell at the Residency.


AD said...

Referring to the image of the memorial to that Henry Lawrence guy…..

Weren’t the so-called insurgents actually rising up against British rule? Your text beneath the image however strongly suggests you idolize him for some reason.

I find parts of your bolt interesting because I happened to be a boarder at LaMarts LKO during the 1960s and recognize many of the names and images.

What I cannot understand is your subservience to the British even now. You, Sir, are an Anglo-Indian and do not forget that the British held Anglo-Indians in as much disdain as they did the rest of Indians.

AD said...

Read ‘blog’ instead of ‘bolt’. Typo.