Friday, October 2, 2015

Indian National Flag Atop The Lucknow Residency!

The Indian Tricolour was raised
for the first time atop the Lucknow
Residency on October 2, 2015, the
birth anniversary of Mahatma
IN a newspaper report 
several weeks ago, the Archaeological 
Survey of India had revealed its
plan to fly the Indian flag from
a pole that was to be installed
at the same spot from where
the Union Jack fluttered till
it was taken down at midnight
on the 14th August 1947.
I am a regular visitor to most of Lucknow's
historical sites so on an earlier visit after
the pole had been installed, I 
photographed it but there was no
indication when the flag would be
This morning, Oct 3, 2015,
I visited the Residency and discovered
the flag had been raised. 
I then asked an ASI employee
on the grounds and he told
me that Oct 2 was the first day.
People found the plan so
strange! One person on facebook
asked: What's the idea?
The employee told me that
the ASI planned to fly the
Tricolour at all its historical
sites. His tone indicated that the
move could have been considered 
strange by 
others as well. "What's
strange? We are putting up the 
flag at all our sites!"
Decades have passed
why would the ASI choose to put 
the flag up at the same spot
the British flag occupied!

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