Sunday, November 14, 2010

Re: Mart Lake

Thanks for the information George,
The Google information I sent you was snipped from the information available on the Google Earth website. If you enter the web page and locate the Maritniere as I have done in the image I sent you, you will be able to use the add path and ruler functions to depict the areas on the image you have on the monitor. However, the pictures you have sent do give the general idea of what is occurring. The Principal and the board of the Martiniere must have a survey plan of what is being developed. I expect these works are essential to keep the Goomtie at bay!!!
By the way, Ainslie is my dear wife of 51 years. Vern, my brother lives in a suburb of Perth some 80 kilometres from where I live. He is currently on holiday in the Eastern States of Australia. He is not on the Internet so I share all this information with him when we meet.
The Martiniere in the background looks like it must have looked when it was first built. Good to see.
Keep up the good work. Always pleased to hear news of the "Alma Mater".
Roley Sharpe  
-------Original Message-------
Date: 15/11/2010 12:46:11 PM
Subject: Mart Lake
The Sharpe brothers sent me a google earth image of the Mart asking me to mark off the areas undergoing earthwork. Well the work is in the whole lake area. I took some more pictures this morning. I'm not sure whether I'll get the right order to make it easy to understand. I'm not capable of doing that on the Earth image. I could use that image on facebook if its possible to tag the different areas as required.
However, from some of the foundation work taking place between the lake and Lat, it appears that the plan is either to put a pucca pathway coming from upstream along the periphery of the lake, or, a pathway with a large drain underneath, rerouting the Jiamau drain through this and joining it to the one that forms the south-east boundary of Fairydale that flows into the river. Thus, taking sewage to the river downstream. I hope the order of the pics help!

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